Home Quiz Amazon Quiz At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being...

At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat which


At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat which game? Answer

  • The answer is Tetris.
    • At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat Tetris.

Amazon Daily Quiz rolled out new questions & the 1st question is At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat which game? & The correct answer is Tetris.

Question 1:

At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat which game?

Correct Answer: Tetris

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Correct Answer: Neuralink

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Amazon Quiz Question Answer
Question At the age of 13, Willis Gibson achieved the distinction of being the first person to defeat which game?
Answer Tetris



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